

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Start Earning 15 Minutes from Now with Clickbank Pirate!

If you're still struggling to get those
first few dollars online, then this could
be the big break you've been waiting for...

With this proven system you can literally
start generating totally passive income
in just 15 minutes from now...

Everything is done for you...

Take a look here!

It's called Clickbank Pirate, and when
I say simple, I mean it...

Here a few things you DON'T have
to do once you have Clickbank Pirate:

* You don't have to sell anything...

You read that right - with this system
all you have to do is give away valuable
free reports... then they do the selling
for you!

Most people hate trying to sell stuff...
now you're free of that headache forever!

* You don't have to write a single word

Everything is done for you - no more long,
agonizing hours writing, or spending huge
amounts on unreliable ghostwriters...

* You don't need any technical knowledge...

Don't worry if you don't understand HTML,
PHP, FTP, or the rest of the alphabet soup
of computer programs... everything is
working and ready to go online...

* It won't cost you an arm and a leg...

With Clickbank Pirate you get everything
you need - you won't have to pay for
hosting, autoresponders, writers, etc.

What you DO need to do is take action by
going to the link below right away:

Here is your link to the treasure

Like I said earlier, Clickbank Pirate is
a total turnkey system - you can get
started immediately, even if it's 2AM, and
start seeing the cash flow in as soon
as 15 minutes from now!

Go to the link now...

Click here me hearties!

To your Clickbank success,


Wednesday, January 07, 2009

I've been nominated for Person of the Year

Dear Readers,

When I came online yesterday morning, I was greeted with congratulations on being nominated for Person of the Year.

What a lovely surprise.

I am thankful for being nominated. What a lovely way to start the new year. Superduper stuff!!!!

Here is the link for the voting forum if you feel inclined to vote:


Don't forget that you need to login to be able to vote.

Angel cuddles,


Advance warning of program launch

Coming Soon ... Jan '09

You can get in on the prelaunch now

What is the program?

A simple 3 x 2 matrix with an $11 one time fee

plus the chance to earn cash, holidays,

food and fuel vouchers over and over again!!!


Read all about it on my page here or here

Angel cuddles,


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas


I wish you all a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.

May it be a new year of abundance in every sense, a year of adventures and discoveries, and of comfort and love.

Angel cuddles,


Angel Cuddle Publishing

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Winning Streak......... How to get your online publishing noticed and gain money

Well, I've been a happy bunny lately.

You can certainly have fun while running your online businesses!

My photographs won two weeks running over at Adlandpro.

They were both from my visit to Bunratty, Ireland.

Here is the first one:

Pretty farmhouse window sill, Bunratty, Ireland

Pretty farmhouse windowsill, Bunratty, Ireland

Here is the second:

Oh, is this pose ok? Bunratty House, Ireland

Oh is this pose ok? Bunratty House, Ireland

My prize was to have my photo displayed in a prominent position in Adland for the week.

Earlier in the year, I won a short story competition over at Facebook. My prize was a writing course book.

Last weekend, I won second prize of $150 in the Comments Contest at Blognet Awards.

I’ve been commenting again. Also my blog is one of the nominated blogs in the Best Literary Blog category.

Here is the link: http://blognetawards.com/angel-cuddles-writing for you to pay a visit, and once you have voted, why don’t you make some comments and perhaps you’ll be a winner like I was.

Mine was the second prize. You may do better!!

The Angel Cuddle Publishing blog, is also nominated in the Best Internet Marketing Blog category.

You can take a look here: http://blognetawards.com/angel-cuddle-publishing

Why not go along and vote and then leave some comments. Perhaps you will win in the comments contest, like I did.

Lastly, have you seen Best Forum of the Year Award voting at Adlandpro? My forum, Sarah’s Emporium, was one of the nominated forums. My forum won Best Forum of the Month earlier in the year with $200 winnings, so it was automatically nominated in the Best Forum of the Year competition.

Here is the link: http://community.adlandpro.com/forums/thread/1166912.aspx

Angel cuddles,


ps I'd love to welcome you in my forum too. You can pay a visit by clicking here.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Blog Update and let this be a warning to you

I’ve neglected all my blogs. There are a number of reasons.

I was at St Nazaire, South France, on the Mediterranean. I used a wifi passcard. This isn’t a secure system, unfortunately. My computer caught a virus and when I returned home, at first I couldn’t get IE or Firefox to work, but Crazy Browser worked. Then, that wouldn’t work and gradually my computer died. It didn’t know that it was a computer anymore! My son managed to save some data, but I lost a great deal of data.

My son re-installed Windows, but it is now Vista instead of XP and I’m having to learn how to use it. Certain things that worked before, don’t now, but I’m coping and gradually improving the situation.

Take this as a warning to always backup. I had planned to buy an external hard disk to save everything on when I returned from St Nazaire, but I was unlucky and got the virus at St Nazaire.

I’ve got a hard disk now and save everything as I go along. It is a very slow process getting things back to ‘normal’ (especially on dial-up).

Focus has been put on setting up Angel Cuddle Publishing on and offline. That isn’t completely done yet but I’m slowly sorting that.

I’ve also been doing some travelling and exploring. I went to London and Bunratty, Ireland. Earlier in the summer, I went to Rome. I plan to visit and explore as many places as I can on this planet, starting with Europe, but setting my sights further afield.

What else has happened?

I was one of the winners in a short story competition, an event run by Jim Green on Facebook, at Creative Writers Hangout. Click here to take a look.

I’ve been nominated for the Just Perfect Award at Adlandpro. This isn’t the first time I’ve been nominated. I guess I’ll have to work on being more perfect, if I want to win. LOL.

Who is it that said that there is no such thing as a perfect person, just people with perfect intentions? Anyway, being nominated makes me feel good.

I’ve signed a world peace solution petition and have actually set up a petition for you to esign. If you wish to sign a petition for world peace, please go to http://angelcuddlesforpeace.com

Well, I’ll sign off now. I intend to keep my blogs more up to date, now that my computer is more sorted.

Oh, before I go, if you feel that I should have your email address, then let me know at address@sarahp.earthgreenmail.com as I lost my address book when the computer went down.

Angel cuddles,


Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Widgeteers Super Viral Ad System, How does it work?

How Does The Widgeteers Super Viral Ad System Work?

A: The Widgeteers website provides widgets, ad blocks, fly-in ads and exit ads that you can display on your website.

You earn ad credits whenever visitors see a widget (or other ad unit) on your web page, i.e. each time your page loads.

Your ad credits enable your own ad to appear in widgets on the websites of other members in the network. The more ad credits you have, the more often your ad appears in other people’s widgets. Your ad impressions will grow, virally and exponentially.

Also, when anyone you refer to The Widgeteers joins and displays widgets on their web site, you receive additional credits. As others sign up below them, you earn even more credits. This continues for a full ten levels deep, making your ad impressions so viral that they are literally unstoppable.

Because of the viral nature of the system, your ads will soon be displayed on thousands of websites all over the Internet, with very little work on your part.

You can join with me here and start building your viral system.

Angel cuddles,


An Invitation to Pay It Forward for You

I believe that God put man on the Earth to take care of the Earth. Mother Nature does a grand job in providing us with a clean environment in which to live. We should, in turn, do our best to keep it that way. I like this program because it does just that. The other reason why I like this program is because it is not mlm; it is contributional marketing to make a cleaner Earth. This is a great combination of making money online and bringing people's attention to the necessity to clean up the environment.

The launching of the UBIEE ENVIRO PROJECT is another way of creating “Environmental Awareness to help our Planet” so that “our Children and Future Generations will be able to live a healthier life” We have great “Tools in our Back Offices” and many committed and dedicated People who are working for a “cleaner environment”.

(This costs a one off contribution of just 11 Euros. I started earning just 2 hours after I'd joined and I've had a good number of WOW days since. In fact, I made a number of contributions and I have got my contributions back on mine and my children’s contributions, and am now gaining each time someone joins in one of my vortices. I’ve a number of TP1s which have been given to me and this is ongoing.)

Fuel is a big concern at the moment. Prices are rising and rising. Another concern with fuel is the pollution factor. The Ubiee Power pill covers both of these issues.

“POWER PILL SUCCESS !!! One of my automotive customers who has never used power pills took a road trip to Calif with power pills, starting out with 2 pills a week or so before the trip, then used one with each fill up on trip from Washington to Cailf, got 10 miles per gal increase in mileage, the customer was just floored!!!!”

I copied that quote from the public Skype chat about the Ubiee power pill. You can see more of the chat here: Ubiee Pill Public Chat

UBiee Power Pill is a Fuel Conditioner. This is a true product that works and eliminates contamination by 78% and because of the results in cleaning the fuel it also burns the fuel you are using much better. This increases mileage that makes it a very reasonable product to buy and also you save quite a lot of money.

It also cleans your motor which results in longer engine life.

Now, due to high fuel prices people are starting to appreciate what the Power pill does.

The governments have to look into alternatives, as fuel prices are reaching a record high.

It is true that they are looking into growing crops to make Bio fuel, but realistically the demand could not be fulfilled; there wouldn’t be enough land for that.

UBIEE has solutions and not just words. As a Ubiee Ambassador, I’m helping spread the word about the Ubiee Power Pill and the Ubiee Enviro Project.

I have included this in Mother Earth’s Garden, as well as here as a Business Opp to share, because this whole issue is very important in the taking care of Mother Earth and ONE of the products we get with the PIF program is the Power pill. You are given ONE BLISTER of pills. “What is the PIF program?” I hear you say.

I received an invitation to have a position paid for me in the Pay It Forward Buyers Club. I accepted the invitation and now it is my turn “to give to gain.” Just as my position was paid for me, I wish to pay it forward for three people.

Update: My 3 invitations have been accepted and I am now helping my children extend their invitations.

This is the place for Blessings, Inspiration, and Multiple Income Opportunities!

We believe it is more blessed to give than receive, so if we can help You, Your Family, and Friends become financially independent, and do it with

"Paying it Forward for You" then why not start today?

If you would like me to invite you in and pay for your position, please pm me or you can get more information and an invitation from my explanation page and watch the video here.

Watch it over and over until you see the light about how to create wealth by "Pay – It – Forward" for just three (3) friends. I’m going to leave you with this to think about, Level ZERO will pay out over $230.00 US dollars, in money goods and services, the Horizon of the three (3) friends/3 Pillars.

I will leave this with you. I hope you take up my invitation. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Angel cuddles,


Diamond Elite Professional Marketing Training

Diamond Elite Professional Marketing Training

Education in the BBS Global Diamond Elite is geared
towards people in online business. At any level, whether you are
a beginner, intermediate or advanced network marketer, BBS global
Diamond elite is for you.

Diamond Elite is a new marketing arm of BBS Global that specializes in training network marketers to build their businesses efficiently and effectively on the Internet.

It comes with:

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Company forced 3 X 6 Matrix where the company will put in up to 3000 members per month to back fill all gaps to ensure continuous growth.

$17.00 Signup bonus for every personally sponsored $20.00 Membership

5 hours of conference room time every month per position to build what ever business you want

You will get:

Access to a 24/7 LIVE Support Conference Room

System Members Area with Forum and Conference Based Training

Access to our LIVE Step-By-Step Training

Access to Video Training

Access to LIVE Marketing Tools to promote your business

All the above for only $20.00 per month

We have trainings every Tuesday and Thursday at both 3:00pm and 9:00pm EST in our conference room.

Please go here for more information.

If you have any questions at all, you can arrange to access our 24 hr Live conference room with me. Feel free to contact me at the following:

Sarah Pritchard

Skype : sarahprit (Let me know that you are enquiring about BBSG DE)

Email : bbsgde@sarahp.earthgreenmail.com

Angel cuddles,


P.S. A number of members have more than one position just so that they get more of their own conference room time to share any of their businesses with others, or even for sharing hobbies and so on. Conference room costs outside of Diamond Elite can be very expensive. The monthly subscription fee of $20 is, therefore, worthwhile for conference room time alone.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Make money online

Money doesn't just fall from the sky. You have to work for it. Some work is more pleasant than other work, of course.

As I have a large family and run gite accommodation here in the south of France, and because I want to follow my dream of being a writer, working when it suits me, I prefer to work at home. I discovered that I could make money online.

I have chosen a number of online moneymaking ventures, with the idea of setting up multi streams of income.

I have decided to concentrate on these certain online moneymaking programs for different reasons.

Welcome to SarahsWritingDesk.com

Our website is dedicated to researching Internet home business ideas and opportunities that can help you start a new Internet home business or grow the one you already have.

Browse our site to find the right Internet home business for you. When searching for an Internet home business be careful because there are many scams out there. However, the information and opportunities listed on this site have passed an intensive screening process and have proven themselves to be legitimate and effective. Feel safe and enjoy! Take a look here....

We provide Gîte Self-Catering Accommodation here, at our home in Plaigne,South France. We have a big, south facing cottage garden. I love cottage type gardens, and I've placed benches in the right spots to sit and contemplate the breathtaking views of the Lauragais countryside. We've planted lots of trees and bushes too. As well as it being a pleasant place for my family to relax, we like to provide a nice place for our paying guests to repose.

I joined Green Wiz to learn gardening tips for my garden. Perhaps I'll be able to share some tips too. Not only do I want to improve my garden, make it a greener place (in every sense of the term), and learn about nature, but this program can grow my finances too:

Would YOU like to learn the tricks of the green trade and enjoy the blooms that the seasons regularly bring? Would you also like to share your own tips and make new friends from back yards all over the world?

Would YOU welcome the added benefit of actually earning an additional income (on a part-time basis) from the comfort of your own home, just for sharing your gardening tips and learning new ideas.

Well now you can get started for FREE, learn the know-how from experienced members, join the green-trading community and start making a very valuable additional income in your spare-time.

You can Join us at Green Wiz Now!

(There is a ten day free trial and then you have the choice to upgrade at $5 per month. Very reasonable for all the tips and information that you receive, not to mention the fun you have.)

I believe that God put man on the Earth to take care of the Earth. Mother Nature does a grand job in providing us with a clean environment in which to live. We should, in turn, do our best to keep it that way. I like this next program because it does just that. The other reason why I like this program is because it is not mlm; it is contributional marketing to make a cleaner Earth. This is a great combination of making money online and bringing people's attention to the necessity to clean up the environment.

The launching of the UBIEE ENVIRO PROJECT is another way of creating “Environmental Awareness to help our Planet” so that “our Children and Future Generations will be able to live a healthier life” We have great “Tools in our Back Offices” and many committed and dedicated People who are working for a “cleaner environment”.

(This costs a one off contribution of just 11 Euros. I started earning just 2 hours after I'd joined and I've had a good number of WOW days since.)

It is important to not spread yourself too thin with too many internet ventures at once and too much work.

One answer to this is to concentrate on just a certain number of programs at once.

The other answer is to work with other people in teams.

The following are the other ventures that I am concentrating on and they all involve teamwork, that is people working together to help each other succeed.

Click on the "Top 5" heading to discover this hot program:

Top 5 Reasons to join F5M

1. Backed by 10 year track record WORLDWIDE!

2. Over 10 TIMES your money back on 1st cycle!

3. PAYS DAILY!!! No waiting a month for next payday!

4. ONE TIME out-of-pocket expense - for life!

5. FREE entry PAID into other lucrative opportunities!

(Discover it for yourself here!)

I am pleased to inform you that this program, a multi-matrix style opportunity, has been launched by a 10 year old company run by Rick Matthews. This program is 100% legal and has been successfully paying daily and on time since it started in February 2007, so has stood the test of time. It requires only a one time payment of only $25.00 US.

I've almost cycled on this one and am very excited about it.
